Frequently Asked Questions

Transitional justice refers to the set of measures implemented in societies transitioning from conflict or authoritarian rule to address past human rights abuses, promote accountability, and facilitate reconciliation. In Ethiopia, transitional justice is crucial for addressing historical injustices, promoting healing and reconciliation, and building a more just and inclusive society.

Transitional justice mechanisms include truth commissions, prosecutions of perpetrators of human rights violations, reparations for victims, institutional reforms, and initiatives aimed at promoting reconciliation and social cohesion.

There are various ways to get involved, including volunteering with local organizations working on transitional justice issues, participating in advocacy campaigns, attending public events and discussions, and supporting victims’ rights and advocacy efforts.

Victims of human rights abuses in Ethiopia can seek legal assistance from organizations such as the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association, and other civil society organizations specializing in human rights advocacy and legal aid services. More directly, victims will be able to benefit in legal aid and counselling services from institutional mechanisms built within the operational setting of dedicated courts established for purposes of dispensing transitional justice.

The Government of Ethiopia has taken concrete steps to address transitional justice objectives through the adoption of a comprehensive policy framework, the establishment of multiple institutional arrangements and the pursuit of criminal law and organizational reforms. However, transitional justice is mainly a process, and as such, it requires the concerted and multifaceted effort of the government, civil society organizations, the public, and partners – in the months and years to come. The strenuous journey so far has proven that no transitional justice challenge is insurmountable so long as there is a shared vision and political commitment on the part of all stakeholders.